Description of Role
The Tips Master has the role of providing a quick tip or point of interest to share near the beginning of the meeting that relates to public speaking, causal conversation, table talk or leadership. It should be no longer than 1 minute in presentation. The presenter can use any visual aid he/she would like, or none at all. The purpose of the Tips Master is to offer members another tool to add to their speaking or leadership toolboxes to help build confidence and success.
For Example: Practice with Distractions- Once the content of your speech is set, an effective way to test your recall is to practice with distractions, for example the TV blaring, while fixing dinner, or with a friendly, yet noisy, audience like your children. (Children love to play the role of distractors.) Use of distractions during practice prepares you for interruptions or noises during the real thing and strengthens your memory of the content.